Sunday, May 29, 2011

5 Days left……

Well, the latest of our adventures is nearly upon us. We have only 5 days left before we leave. We had a look over mum and dads preparations today and noticed the new shelves in dads wardrobe in the Penguin. Not bad.

We went home and straight away removed the plastic bins we have been using and measured up for our own drawers. All the materials are now ready, after a last minute visit to Bunning's, and i will have them installed tomorrow after work. It will increase our usable storage space, in the wardrobe in the Expanda, by about double Smile

The next post should be from Mildura, our first nights stop.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2 Weeks left – but who’s counting :)


Well, Only 2 weeks left to go before we head off on our next 6 week traveling holiday. The caravan has been serviced and packed, mostly. We just have to load food and clothing before we head off. Now for the long wait and the gathering of all the assorted things we have accumulated in the past 6 months that we think we need Smile

I plan to keep this site updated, with daily photos, but that will be dependant on how we travel and if we have internet access. Leave a comment if you know of any must visit places or if you want any particular places photographed that we may be visiting.