Friday, November 18, 2011

Trip Planning

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a bit quiet on the Holiday front for us lately but we are planning a getaway over Christmas to Canberra so more to come.

 I read an article today I thought I would share regarding Trip Planning, and in particular, a web app called OnTheWay. OnTheWay is a website that links in with foursquare to help identify potential stops along your route. Stops such as fuel, accommodation and food are indicated, along with tips from foursquare when available. It’s very simple to use with you indicating a start and end location for your route and it then shows you the route in stages with a list of available stops in each stage you can select and add to an Itinerary.

Foursquare, for those of you that may not know, is a social tool that allows you to "check in" to various locations when you are out an about. You can then get access to reviews, or leave your own, on businesses and places for others to reference. Foursquare is available for all of the current Smartphone variants. Foursquare also allows you to follow friends and family and see where they have been in respect to locations they check in to.

As always, feel free to leave any comments on, or suggestions of other great planning tools. Also feel free to look me up on foursquare.



Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stevenson Falls–Otway Ranges

Hi All, Another update in quick succession to the last, and we are not even on holidays Smile


We took the opportunity of Melbourne Cup day to take a drive in the Sara’s new truck. We need to have the kilometres up so we can tow the van in a couple of weeks, and we also needed to run the engine in a bit so i thought a nice drive along the Great Ocean Road would meet our needs. The engine would not sit at any single RMP level and the car would not get over 90KPH. All good.

Also, after watching a camping DVD over the weekend we saw a segment on Stevenson’s Falls which looked nice and would be on our route so off we went.

The drive to the falls turn off was uneventful. It was once we made the turn off that the fun began with a couple of kilometres of winding dirt road Smile we took the car bush and its not even a week old. The road was actually in great condition and wound through some nice forest. I am glad we had the new car as i could never of taken the commodore down this road. At the end of the road we found the Stevenson falls camping area, which actually had quite a few family's making use of it for the long week end. It seemed a great spot if you have a tent or camper trailer. From here it was another short drive to the falls walking trail.

The walking trail is only 500m and is an easy walk. The surroundings are great and there was a lot of water coming over the falls which made for a very misty environment and a nice clean running river. I also managed to pick up a leech which was not discovered for about 30mins so it was well fed.

After the falls we drove to Kennet River for lunch before we took the winding great ocean road home via Lorne and Anglesea.
